President and Group management 2022

Tom Erixon

President and CEO.

Born: 1960

CEO since March 1, 2016.

Former positions include President and CEO of OVAKO AB and President of Sandvik Coromant.

Chairman of the Board: Afry AB.

Education: MA Law from the University of Lund in Sweden and MBA Business Administration from IESE in Spain.

Number of shares in Alfa Laval: 129,200* (101,200**)

Fredrik Ekström

Chief Financial Officer.

Born: 1975

Employed by Alfa Laval since 1998.

Chief Financial Officer since 2022.

Former positions include several international positions in Alfa Laval, most recently as President Business Unit Brazed & Fusion Bonded Heat Exchangers.

Education: MBA, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA.

Number of shares in Alfa Laval: 2,000* (–**)

Pascale Gimenez

Senior Vice President,
Human Resources.

Born: 1966

Employed by Alfa Laval since August 1, 2018.

Former positions include Senior Vice President of Human Resources at various units within Sandvik and Electrolux.

Education: Master’s degree in marketing from ESSEC Business School and a degree in engineering from the Institut Supérieur Agricole de Beauvais.

Number of shares in Alfa Laval: 200 * (–)

Emma Adlerton

General Counsel & Secretary to the Board of Directors.

Born: 1973

Employed by Alfa Laval since 2008.

General Counsel and Secretary to the Board of Directors since 2015; President of Group Affairs (Sustainability, Corporate Development, Legal & Compliance, Risk & Patent). Former positions include senior legal counsel in the Alfa Laval Group and attorney at law.

Education: Master Laws (LL.M), Lund University.

Number of shares in Alfa Laval: 2,500* (1,000**)

Joakim Vilson

Senior Vice President,
Global Sales & Service.

Born: 1965

Employed by Alfa Laval since 1990.

Former positions include Executive Vice President in charge of the Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Africa Regions, Head of Mid Europe Region and Head of the Process Industry segment.

Education: BSc. Eng.

Number of shares in Alfa Laval: 7,520* (6,520**)

Mikael Tydén

President, Operations Division.

Born: 1967

Employed by Alfa Laval since 1995.

President of the Operations Division since January 2017. Former positions include head of global manufacturing and supply of separators, decanters, hygienic fluid handling equipment and air heat exchangers 2005–2016.

Education: Ms. Mech. Eng.

Number of shares in Alfa Laval: 3,000* (1,000**)

Thomas Møller

President, Energy Division.

Born: 1974

Employed by Alfa Laval since 2002.

President of the Energy Division since 2021. Former positions include President Business Unit Decanters, Water & Waste Segment Manager and Market Unit Power Manager.

Education: BSc. Eng.

Number of shares in Alfa Laval: 4,800* (1,106**)

Nish Patel

President, Food & Water Division.

Born: 1962

Employed by Alfa Laval since 1984.

Former positions include Executive Vice President in charge of the Western Europe and North America Regions, and Head of India and the UK.

Education: BSc. Eng.

Number of shares in Alfa Laval: 47,552* (47,552**)

Sameer Kalra

President, Marine Division.

Born: 1962

Employed by Alfa Laval since 2011.

Previously Managing Director FRAMO AS, Executive Vice President- Sales and Marketing – Aalborg Industries AS

Education: Marine engineer and MBA.

Number of shares in Alfa Laval: 10,500* (2,000**)

Areas of responsibility

The President directs the daily operations and is responsible for ensuring that the Board of Directors has access to the necessary information and supporting documentation for its decision-making purposes. The President is also responsible for ensuring that the company’s accounting complies with applicable laws and regulations, and shall prepare and monitor compliance with the goals, policies and strategic plans of the company and the Group, such as the Business Principles. The President has the support of Group management, to which responsibilities and authority are delegated. The members of Group management include a head of global sales and service, four divisional managers and the heads of HR, Group Affairs (Sustainability, Corporate Development, Legal & Compliance, Risk & Patent) and Finance.

Operational control

Alfa Laval’s operational control model comprises a matrix in which the Group’s divisions are presented vertically, intersecting with the Group’s geographic regions, which are presented horizontally. The Operations Division, which is responsible for production-related procurement, production, logistics and distribution, serves as a shared supply chain for the sales divisions.

Group management meetings in 2022

Group management held ten scheduled meetings in 2022 during which minutes were taken. In addition, quarterly reviews were performed to discuss the business developments in the divisions and regions. These reviews addressed the business climate, earnings, earnings projections for the next 12 months and specific issues affecting the respective business areas. Separate strategy meetings were also held to address, among other areas, management’s proposals concerning the future direction with regard to organic growth and growth through acquisitions. In 2022, Group management addressed health and safety, business development in divisions and regions with deeper reviews in specific countries, research and development, sustainability, investment requirements, and acquisition opportunities.